Course Syllabus

  Kingdom Conquerors

Dr. Rick Wallace Ph.D
(Course Syllabus)

Instructor’s Contact Information:
Office: 2101 N. Washington Ave.
Phone: 972-502-0609
Office Hours:1:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Course Information:
Fall/Spring, 2012-2013
Tues./Thurs., 4-5:30 pm
PYA Classroom

Course Description
Kingdom Conquerors is a program that is a part of the Operation Kingdom movement carried out through Rick Wallace Ministries. The course is designed to develop a sense of identity in youth and young adults, based on there identity and relationship with Christ. The program focuses on introducing young people to their true design and thereby exposing the multitudinous possibilities and opportunities that each one of these young people have before them. This course will direct each youth toward an understanding of their instrisic value and subsequently a revelation of their true self-worth. It will challenge secular and cultural paradigms that foster mediocrity and hopelessness, creating a paradigmatic shift that encourages these youth to expand the visions they have for their lives (Opening up an entire world of possibilities).

Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to:

(1)   Develop a self-image that is based on their relationship with God; increasing their determined self-worth.

(2)   Expand the vision that they have for their lives to reflect the limitless potential that is within them. (Living out the motto: If the vision you have for you life is not so big that it intimidates you, it is probably insulting God.)

(3)   Demonstrate self-control and focus amidst adversity and chaos, knowing that they were designed for such moments.

(4)   Actualize the full potential that is within their specific design.

(5)   Create their own paradigmtic shifts; breaking free of social limitations and rewriting their own stories.

(6)   Engage the challenges and vicissitudes of life with confidence that comes from the knowledge of their relationship with Christ.

(7)   Distinguish the difference between Christian Confidence and Human Arrogance

(8)   They will be able to lucidly express themselves through an enhanced active vocabulary.

Student must be at least 13 years of age.

Required Texts
Franklin, Regina, Who Calls Me Beautiful? Finding Our True Image in the Mirror of God, Discovery House Publishers, 2004
Anderson, Neil T., Park, Dave, Overcoming Negative Self-Image, Gospel Light, 2003
Adas, Jay E., The Biblical View of Self-Esteem, Harvest House Publishers, 1986
Capps, Charles, God’s Image of You, Charles Capps Ministries, 2002
Teen Life Application Study Bible
(All required texts will be provided through the program.)

All students will also be supplied with journals as part of the course curriculum.


All students will be required to actively partipate in class discussions as well as complete all assignments in a timely manner. Each student will demonstrate an uncompromised level of respect for the classroom environment, fellow students, and all faculty members. The students will be expected to strive for self-improvement. Students are encouraged to expand the visions and dreams they have for their lives. Students are also encouraged to share their thoughts, perspectives, visions and dreams.

As the general rule, most assignments will not be graded assignments, but will be used as a means to evaluate progression and personal development. Those assignments that are graded will be graded according to a uniformed policy of grading.



Grading Scale -.

94-100 =  A

90-93   =  A-
87-89   =  B+
84-86   =  B
80-83   =  B-
77-79   =  C+
74-76   =  C
70-73   =  C-
67-69   =  D+
64-66   =  D
60-63      =  D-
<60      =  F (In this course, (F) does not equal failure, but means “further work required.)
Students are encouraged to maintain an acceptable attendace rate, which will be no more that 2 absences per semester. If a student is going to be absence, they should advise the course instructor of the pending absence as soon as possible.

Any makeup assignments will be arranged directly between student and instructor.

Unless advised otherwise, all assignments are to be turned in to the instructor at the beginning of the class. 

Classes will begin promptly at the alloted time, so students should be in their seats and ready to begin class at least five minutes before the start of class.


First Semester

Ø  Unit 1: Weeks 1-4 – Mental Attitude Dynamics
§  The class will explore the connection between their relationship with God and their designed purpose and subsequent destinies.
§  The class will gain an understanding  of the importance of Scripture in developing Chrisian Self-Esteem and the importance of mainting the proper thought processes, necessary for exceptional achievement.
§  Students will develop an understanding of self-image and how it impacts the way they view life. They will be introduced to the limitless possibilities available to those that dare to dream.
§  Student will read Overcoming Negative Self-Image (Neil T. Anderson)
and discuss ways they will implement the prescibed steps required to enhance their self-image.
§  Students will learn the importance of developing an enhanced vocabulary and how doing so will increase their ability to communicate and express themselves lucidly and effectively
§  Students will write a short essay descibing how they view themselves in relation to those that live outside of their environment.
§  Student will begin keeping a journal
§  The dynamic force of faith (the concept of audacious faith) and how it overcomes the impossible
§  Dare to Dream Rally
Ø  Unit 2: Weeks 5-8
§  Students will begin to develop a focused vision for their lives that is founded in their identity in Christ. They will be encouraged to reach beyond the environmental limitations (Dare to Dream concept), that currently encapsulate them.
§  The students will be introduced to the principle of process. There are many promises, but there must be an endurance of the process before there can be an attainment of the promise.
§  Students will be introduced to the power of the words they speak into their lives. They will learn how to affirm themselves, irregardless to whether they are being affirmed by others.
§  The class will begin to learn how to overcome environmental influences, as well as learn how to impact their environment.
§  The class will read the book, God’s Image of You.
§  Students will write a short essay declaring their vision for their lives
§  Powering through the Darkness Rally
Ø  Unit 3: Weeks 8-12
§  Students discuss the implications of their new understanding of God’s image of them and the impact it has on their image of themselves.
§  Changing the course of your life by changing your thinking.
§  Students will make declarations of their destinies
§  Students will write their personal visonetic manifesto.
§  Unconquered Faith Rally

Second Semester

Ø  Unit 4: Weeks 13-16 – Spiritual Self-esteem
§  The flaw of trusting human self-esteem
§  The superiority of Spiritual self-esteem
§  The source of spiritual self-esteem
§  The Pattern of Spirtual Self-esteem
§  The Characteristics of Spiritual Self-esteem
Ø  Unit 5: Weeks 17-20 – Developing Spiritual Autonomy
§  The dynamic state of spiritual self-esteem and its power to propel one into greatness.
§  The definition of description of impersonal love
§  The force of impersonal love mandated by God and its role in actualizing one’s potential
§  Virtue Defined
§  Spirtual Atonomy and and the attainment of virtue
§  The bearing out of virtue in everyday life.
Ø  Unit 6: Weeks 21-24 – The Divine Dynasphere (God’s sphere of power revealed in the the life of Christ and made available to every believer)
§  The system that sustained Christ
§  Spiritual Aristocracy
§  Maturity and Integrity
§  Logistical Grace (describes the plan of God and manner in which He provides for his people in the everyday functions of life)
§  Super Grace (describes the manner in which God provides the supernatural ability to accomplish what others declare impossible)
§  More than a conqueror (You are designed to be a winner. Live the victorious life).
§  Live my Dream Rally


The Kingdom Conquerors program is designed to introduce inner-city youth and other at risk young people to the possibilities that are within their reach. This program is challenging, but carries with it an immensely powerful reward. Young people will come to a knowledge of who they are in Christ and the implications associated with this reality. They will become aware of the fact that their environment is not indicative of their potential.

Hosea 4:6 says, ‘My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” The lack of knowledge has decimated generations of inner-city youth; The Kingdom Conquerors program seeks to empower through knowledge of self and exposure to the limitless possibilities available every believer all those daring to dream. 

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