Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kingdom Conquers

Kingdom Conquerors is a ministry that is the brainchild of (Bishop) Dr. Rick Wallace and will focus on mentorship and leadership training for our future generations. We understand that each person has individual gifts and talents and we will carefully evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each individual. Beginning at age thirteen, we will begin preparing young men and women to be kingdom leaders in the Kingdom of God. Not only will this training prepare these young individuals for future leadership roles in the Kingdom, but it will also give them the necessary tools to adequately and appropriately deal with peer pressure. Instead of succumbing to the pressure from peers to perpetuate negative actions, they will be able to stand up in their identity as children of God and be the example of exemplary living. 

We will work to develop positive self-images within the individuals mentored and discipled. We understand that there has been a gulf created by the void left when men abdicated their God ordained positions in the home, community, and church. The depth and width of this gulf can only be diminished and ultimately eliminated by filling the void left behind, and proper training will prepare subsequent generations to do their part.

It is the plan of the enemy to infiltrate the minds of our youth; this is done through the subtle, yet powerful influences of secular paradigms, sociological malignancies, and domestic dysfunctionality. It is our responsibility and objective here at RWM to prepare our youth to engage these negative forces with optimal success. It is important for our youth to grasp the mammoth message that despite the disruption, corruption, and chaos surrounding them, they still have the responsibility and capability to stand in the Christian way. Not only will they come to understand this truth, but they will gain the knowledge that in standing they will positively impact those in their periphery. 

They will be taught that sex, drugs, and alcohol are not pleasures that they are being deprived of, but weapons being used by the enemy to destroy an entire generation.

We will strive to expand the vision of our youth; raising the standard of perceived success. We will paint the portrait of unlimited possibility despite environmental, genetic, or socioeconomic influence. Through the exposure to positive stimuli and personal reinforcement, we will call youth to raise their expectation for their lives. We will call them to move beyond colorless dreams, tamed visions, dwarfed goals and mediocre mindsets. 

Kingdom Conquerors will provide positive male and female mentors to set examples and offer godly accountability to help everyone maximize their potential in Christ. We will hold leadership workshops for every stage of leadership. We will have advanced retreats for pastors, and other church and ministry leaders. 

We must apprehend the fact that we will only go as far as our leadership is prepared to take us. 

Kingdom Conquerors: Building the Christian Leaders of Tomorrow. 

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